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A self retreat.

 The last week of January I have started camping out in my construction site with a manuel which reads the King's James version of Holy bible.I thought I would take time to just quieten myself .I am getting a peek into the family who looks after my land.The construction is moving at rapid pace.I pray that it will beat the monsoons this year.If the Lord wills it I hope to do the first floor as well in this sitting.It requires a lot of prayer for the plan and the design and occupancy thereafter. As you can see there is a significant progress.I am here for till the month end.The first night my two little nephews and my cousin decided to rough it out with me.It was quite interesting having them around. The early morning view of the mountains are what I am hoping to catch.It can be breathtaking in December and we are still towards the end of winter so I should be able to enjoy it.The first night was a learning experience with princess and the pea experience.Second nigh onwards I have ha...
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