It is coming to be a fortnight of working in Kachwa.It has been a period of hit and misses.My medical skills as usual are thoroughly tested in these waters.I am flooded with gynaec and obstetric patients in the out-patient and paediatric patients in the in-patient.Most bystanders are tall bullies who just drown you out with their bullying ways.I am still adjusting to the climate so much so that I have not even got around to arranging the kitchen with the scattered bits and bobs I have gathered from Benaras and around.My pressure cooker is still in it's cartoon,I realised today. At home my mother is still struggling to swallow the multiple pills she has been prescribed.She is taking her vitamin D satchets weekly with another pill to keep the Calcium and phosphate in check everyday and an anti-gout medicine.She was also prescribed sodium bicarbonate tablets which I have stopped for now because she is struggling to swallow the umpteen number of pills.Her appetite is gone for a sixer ...