Some moments are special.It brings us a reminder of the precious moments in the life of Christ.Today was one such time.The sharing from believers about the recent happenings in and around the place was concluded by encouragement to stand firm in Christ.One moment one of the pastors put forward direct questions to the congregation about their commitment was the situation to change dramatically,the congregation answered they would stand firm. To me it brought a poignant reminder of my master in the last days of His ministry on earth.His questions to Simon Peter which Simon Peter in flesh responds to with a zest but as Jesus predicts denies Him thrice and he cries bitterly when Jesus looks at him.Compared to that was a later time ,after the crucification when Jesus appears before His disciples when Jesus asks Simon Peter,'Peter ,do you love me?'Peter is more mature,knows himself better and answers with a depth of maturity. When Jesus looked at them as individuals I am sure they...