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Showing posts from September, 2020

The Blessing.

The Aaronic benediction. A few days ago , Our prayerful Pastor visited us from his house on the top of the hill. We had been remembering him just a day earlier. He read the Aaronic benediction from Numbers chapter 6 versus 22 to 27 and prayed the blessing on us and my uncle’s family who has been through their own changes.He graciously    remembered our Godly heritage and blessed us that we would continue it forward in the coming days. Thought I would spend some time just looking at the benediction in the context of the Hebrew meaning of it and Got around to painting a mental picture of it.  I found it beautifully comforting and was awestruck by the picture it painted. The benediction as it is in Numbers 6 versus 20 to 27 reads,  “The Lord bless thee, And keep thee, And be gracious to thee, The Lord make His face to shine upon thee. The Lord lift up his countenance on thee And give thee peace.” “The word “Bless” in Hebrew is the word “Barakh ...