During the different phases of my christian walk I have felt the reassuring hand of Jesus while communing with him .While in North India,there was a phase where I would catch the hem of His robe and follow him...and then there was this phase where He would firmly catch my hand and stride ahead.Then my father passed and there He was with his sleeves folded up looking at the comings and goings around the house. Around eight months back I shifted to Sikkim and joined the government service.I had not really had a clear picture in my mind's eye. Last week while I was in the church,while worshipping, suddenly a picture came to my mind .I was taken aback by it .As soon as I was back home, I shared it with my mother who is my prayer partner. Yesterday while having a zoom meeting with my mission colleagues with Dr KV as the resource person it struck me how important it is to document our individual walk with our Lord and savior who is The living Christ. While worshipping in the church my he...