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Showing posts from June, 2008

Insomniac babble!

Its 2am in the morning and I am stuck at the hospital waiting for a breech baby to be born.Opened up another badly mucked up surgery case.Wh o will think I am a physician with an inclination towards res piratory medicine? This is what working in a deprived area is all about. I got in touch with myself today .I stayed stunned the whole day and by night I was laughing all the way to the bed and hospital. I treated myself to a luxury of a real strong jamaican coffee-that is saying quits to the night of sleep. Caeserian section beckons me to the the operation theatre-I can hear the anaesthetist dragging her sleepy feet to the OT door. I wonder how long it will be till I get a good night's sleep.

Happy mmmmm!

I tell my friend I am in my own world,deliriously happy. The first thing he asks me is are you in love? Strange! I have been doing my own little things being sinfully selfish indulging myself in small things that give me immense happiness. I bought myself some lamp-shades,one in particular was after my own heart.I was all over Birganj,Ranchi and DTO on the lookout and as it always happens I come across this small shop in the by-lanes of Kolkotta that says 'Lamp-shades' and sells only lamp-shades.It was there in all hues, colours and materials.Paper,silk and satin. Amazing ,and I thought shops like that had stopped existing. The other thing that has happened is I have re-discovered my love for music and writing.My home theatre system which was a gift from my cousin is being used to the maximum and I discovered this collection of MP3 which took me back to my growing up years..some favourites from dire-straits,cat stevens,Eric clapton,Smokie....remembered my older siblings playing...