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Showing posts from August, 2013

Hridaya bheti charao prabhulai...

As I come home after a year away ,I find there is a lot things to be grateful to the Lord for. My parents for one seem to be well in the Lord. They seem to have coped so well to the long distance travel to and from Sydney. As I sit around in my room I hear the din of the choir from the church singing that beautiful hymn of Fanny Crosby ..'this is my story ..this is my enduring as it is endearing'. The next song is that beautiful nepali song I have heard it for ever in my growing up years...'Hridaya bheti charau prabhu lai hami sab sant gan mili......' Translated it means,'offer your hearts as an offering to the lord ,together oh  saints...!' I sit,I kneel,I pray.....I rejoice....I live!

Coming Home.

The flight back home was unusually tame and short. I decided to take the KLM home.Got such cheap tickets that I had to doubt till I had checked in as to whether there was a catch.However there was a detour through Amsterdam. The flight to Amsterdam was just forty minutes.Sandwitched between two gentleman ,one of whom had this terrible flu-I had a tough time trying to make sure that I don't get sneezed on for one final time in Europe. The sandwich they served was made of wholewheat but the container took the cake. Coloured earthy brown, it was full of information and the recipe for the dutch wholewheat bread. I ate my sandwitch and much to the amusement of my co-travellers folded the container neatly and put it into my bag.I thought the concept was fascinating. In the airport found my way to the lounge and looked into the shops to see what I could find. Picked a few tulip bulbs for my parents and the tiny clogs ..and headed to check in. The lounge was full of co-patriots. ...

The Charles Darwin I never knew.

The Great Malvern Priory in Worcester,it was to be. David Webster was preaching .The beautiful structure which Dr Richard Lewis ,a colleague   and my host so poetically calls , ‘the most beautiful building’, lofty,   aged and   elegant, stands high in the morning sun even as the bells toll makes me want to tilt my head and just listen ...the sound I sincerely believe, is heard in heaven because it calls sinners like myself to commune with the eternal God. The Lord speaks,He affirms and He upholds as usual in a simply profound message the missionary doctor from Africa shares.   When I was leaving Worcester in 2005,Richard and Anne had given me a copy of 'The shimmering heat'- a book by the good doctor on his life in Afr I got to see him in person and like all great men he was unassumingly   simple. On the other side of the road beyond the cathedral ,is a beautiful hillock with benches ,trees ,green grass...