I hear the sound of the sandles Shuffling on the streets of Nazereth Dispersing dust like you and l. The feet’s of ‘ the waymaker, walking ... The sweet sound of Yeshus floating down the cobbled pathway as his mother calls him. The whirring of His tools,perhaps a broken finger as the master craftsman ,the wounded healer submits to His earthly father , Is it any wonder that God chose to be born in a carpenters home? Can you imagine a house built so shoddily it cannot shelter? A crooked table,a stand that does not hold. The hours of intense labour ,love and investment a master craftsman puts in to finish the craft? Much like our Heavenly Father.Is it any wonder that Jesus chose those ordinary men over philosophers and thinkers. Can you visualise a fisherman sleep through the dawn while the world hauls the boat and set it sail ?Would he catch the fish? Can you imagine him spouting...