I hear the sound of the sandles
Shuffling on the streets of Nazereth
Dispersing dust like you and l.
The feet’s of ‘ the waymaker, walking ...
The sweet sound of Yeshus
floating down the cobbled pathway
as his mother calls him.
The whirring of His tools,perhaps a broken finger
as the master craftsman ,the wounded healer
submits to His earthly father ,
Is it any wonder that God chose to be born
in a carpenters home?
Can you imagine a house built so shoddily
it cannot shelter? A crooked table,a stand
that does not hold.
The hours of intense labour ,love and investment
a master craftsman puts in to finish the craft?
Much like our Heavenly Father.Is it any wonder
that Jesus chose those ordinary men over
philosophers and thinkers.
Can you visualise a fisherman
sleep through the dawn while the world hauls the boat
and set it sail ?Would he catch the fish?
Can you imagine him spouting
and contemplating the dangers of the sea
or lulling himself to anaesthesia
even before he has set sail.
Ok there is a real chance that
he would catch the storm while at sea,
which is a possibility,
Has not the Word spoken about the circumstance
and wasn’t the Master Himself there?