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Image of Christ.

 There is nothing more scarier than a heart that has hardened .I was talking to Mary the other day,infact weeping with her There is a deep restlessnessness inside.Thank God for it becuase it shows that I have not resigned myself to the way things are.I was telling her I miss the deep experience of seeing the image of Christ and the compassion of the Holy spirit which just used to overwhelm  my heart when I saw the image of Christ in people ,situation and the creation.

What is the image of Christ?It is a body marred and maimed to bear the sin of the is a voice that did not speak in protest against God the father,who actually planned it all before the creation of the world,not against the people who maimed Him ,flogged Him,drove the nails into His hands and feet to satisfy their sinful nature.The image of Christ is a body broken  to the utmost yet given to feed the very same people .It is a love that did not count the cost.

I am a person who does not put too much value to my person,My prayer has been,Oh Lord,I am just a frial,tiny being that depends on you for every breath of life.Use me Lord ,as I am for your kingdom's sake.I have more fire in my heart now than I had when I as a young early teenager and gave my life to Him and promised to follow Him.


Vijay Anand Ismavel said…
We must invite Jesus to take charge of us - body, mind and spirit; take us by our hands and lead us in the way that He wants us to go. He will then be the source of all wisdom, strength and encouragement and help us to fulfill His plans for our lives. Our time, talents and treasure should be laid at His feet. I have written about our experience a few years ago here: and here:
pixi said…
Thank you Dr Vijay for your prompt response,I will read the blog.
Anonymous said…
From one of the seniors..
What comes to my mind and what I am convicted is:

Given as free gift the IMAGE when we accept the Lord Jesus. God looks at us in Jesus

Growing into the IMAGE by dieing to self daily. It's a daily battle which differs from person to person and the situation we are in.
pixi said…
Thank you Sir,It is so refreshing just talking to you.
Leishiwon Kumrah said…
What is the image of Christ? To me, it is the body broken and marred for my sins and that which brought me salvation and mercy, amazing grace beyond measure, and because of whom, I am now a child of God. It is also the body that binds us, believers of Christ, as one family. Am I living it out, as one who bears the image of God, Christ in me, in my daily living? Evident to all around, the gifts and the fruits of the Spirit?
pixi said…
Thankyou Leishwon,what clarity.Brought so much of Joy to my heart.
Dr Santosh Mathew said…
[12:10 pm, 13/7/2024] Santosh Mathew: mago Dei is a concept we all know: humans are created in the image of God. There is much written on this in theological discussions and other writings.

My challenge was not in the knowledge that all humans are created in the image of God or understanding what the image of God means, but in living daily with that knowledge in my interactions. I thought I was doing a good job until I started working with injecting drug users as part of our HIV work.

I knew they were created in the image of God, although marred by the lifestyle they embraced, but loving them unconditionally was not easy. The reasons were multiple. First, they would relapse and return with large ulcers. The amount of money we had to spend on them was significant. Second, not only were they relapsing and destroying their lives, but they would also have unprotected sexual contact with their partners despite being warned many times (most of them were HIV positive, thus risking others' lives). Third, no communication was ever taken seriously, as if they were not bothered! Was the image of God so marred that they were beyond lovable? That is what I felt most times.

My perspective changed over time (I still struggle). Three things brought about the change. First, listening to their stories, I came to understand that they too have mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers. They have deep desires, but their choices are beyond their control due to physical addiction. Second, hearing their stories from the past about how they got into such behavior, I realized the context and complexity of their experiences. I understood that I was privileged to have been protected from similar contexts and pasts. Third, I realized that what God has done and is doing with me is similar. I keep pushing Him away, but He keeps following me, accepting me as I am, hoping I will change one day. I started to see them as people like me; I am struggling with my own brokenness, and they with theirs. If they are like me and I believe I have the image of God in me, then they also have it. If my image is marred, so is theirs. If my image can be restored, theirs can be too.

So, what does this really mean?

1. Dependence and Interdependence: God’s image implies dependence. We are reflections of another reality, dependent on God and each other to become what God created us to be. I am marred, but with God’s enabling, He can "un-mar" me! This means I need others around me to help me grow into God’s full potential, and I am called to be such a presence for others.

2. Communion with God and others: This can only happen if I am communicating with God. I need to develop the discipline to talk, walk, and listen to Him, and be available to walk with others on similar journeys.

3. Identity and being: My being come from the fact that I am known and loved by God and others. My identity comes from the fact that I am unconditionally loved. This means that if I am loved like that, I need to love others similarly, even if they are marred beyond recognition. I am a child of God, and those around me are my brothers and sisters, since they too are created in His image.

4. Dignity and equality: God’s image implies the dignity and equality of each human life, however marred or impaired they may be. This became much clearer as I cared for my mother with late-stage Alzheimer’s. Cognitively non-present, physically bedridden, this 85-year-old lady in the bed was worthy of all the dignity in life that I expected for myself. She was equal to me in front of God and to me as well.

Does all this make it easy to see the image of God in others? Yes and no. There are times when I think some people cannot be loved! But I should be loved, come what may. Then the heart speaks to me: you are who you are—by grace.
[12:10 pm, 13/7/2024] Santosh Mathew: Had some time - just wrote some thoughts that come into my mind
[12:13 pm, 13/7/2024] Santosh Mathew: This is more of my ongoing journey. Image for me is one that groans these days...
pixi said…
Sir thankyou for your kind and personal insight.
It brings much clarity to our personal walk as well.
So many questions along the way.
Anne Deborah said…
*Understanding the Image of Christ*

In Colossians 1:15-17, we learn that Christ is the visible representation of the invisible God, and the firstborn over all creation. He came into the world not only to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15), but also to liberate the oppressed (Luke 4:18). His mission on earth was to offer freedom from the bondage of sin, with truth being the key to that freedom. As John 14:6 tells us, Jesus Christ is not only the way and the life, but also the truth through whom we can find our way to the Father.

The image of Christ encompasses God's moral nature and character. Despite being fully God, Christ humbled himself and took on human form, even to the point of serving others (Philippians 2:6-8). Born in a humble manger, he fulfilled his purpose on earth by ultimately sacrificing himself on the cross. Throughout his life, he exemplified loving kindness, justice, judgment, and righteousness (Jeremiah 9:23-24). His throne is founded upon justice, mercy, and truth (Psalm 89:14).

Hebrews 9:27 reminds us that each person will face judgment after death. Therefore, understanding the image of Christ means recognizing his role as both the divine and human embodiment of God's love, truth, and justice.
Annie Omega said…
[9:03 pm, 13/7/2024] Annie Omega: Understanding the Image of Christ

In Colossians 1:15-17, we learn that Christ is the visible representation of the invisible God, and the firstborn over all creation. He came into the world not only to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15), but also to liberate the oppressed (Luke 4:18). His mission on earth was to offer freedom from the bondage of sin, with truth being the key to that freedom. As John 14:6 tells us, Jesus Christ is not only the way and the life, but also the truth through whom we can find our way to the Father.

The image of Christ encompasses God's moral nature and character. Despite being fully God, Christ humbled himself and took on human form, even to the point of serving others (Philippians 2:6-8). Born in a humble manger, he fulfilled his purpose on earth by ultimately sacrificing himself on the cross. Throughout his life, he exemplified loving kindness, justice, judgment, and righteousness (Jeremiah 9:23-24). His throne is founded upon justice, mercy, and truth (Psalm 89:14).

Hebrews 9:27 reminds us that each person will face judgment after death. Therefore, understanding the image of Christ means recognizing his role as both the divine and human embodiment of God's love, truth, and justice.
pixi said…
Thank you Annie for your input.It needs further meditation ,I gather...human and divine endowment of God's love,truth and justice.Got into a phone rant with one of the seniors and we were discussing the practicalities of living in a sinful world and making decisions...often at crossroads one is faced with difficult situation but the Spirit of the Lord guides us with His divine peace which actually passes all understanding and we know we have made right decision inspite of anything and everything the world says.
Sudha ,CMC said…
My understanding of growing in the image of Christ and who He is to me is summed up as LOVE..I need to grow into more perfect love for my Saviour and the people He has entrusted into my circle of influence. His self giving love needs to be poured out into my heart and as the cup overflows, His love need to overflow to everyone around me..
pixi said…
What a joy it was to meet up with you Sudha ,albeit ,for a short while.
It has been a blessing just being in touch with you all and thank you for your response.One can never quite fathom how far the impact of such a reflection can go.
pixi said…
Have to say mam I was waiting for your reflection.
I am blessed by it.
Helen Paul said…
Hi Cheering. Good morning.
I have been pondering over these few words- "image of christ ".
Thank you for asking this question.
A vast topic. What I think is of Gen 1:27, states that God made man in his own image and the fall has marred the image of Gof. But God sent his son Jesus to redeem us & restore the image of God.
Paul says in Eph 4:24, that all believers have been created after the likeness of Gof in true righteousness and Holiness. So the image of Christ involved a right standing with God and Holiness before him.
As no one has seen him but we have experienced him, known his character. We need to have this- humility, love, forgiveness etc . I am reminded of Philippians 4:8- whatever is true, What ever is Noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is Lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.
Have been meditating on these. There is Hope for us in our sinful nature because of the grace of God.
pixi said…
Thank you Helen for a timely reminder,,,
Nandamani said…
Dear Mam, Good evening. For me I would say Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. With so much disturbance in our area,when we as a Christian find it difficult to attend churches, I keep asking God why so much evil is happening? But he replied through the scriptures..He remove his protective hand to disciple remove the chaff from the grain. We as a church pray more realising that what we see and have can be taken away in minutes. However at the end of the day our Lord is someone we can fall on, giving all our problems to him and have a good night rest.
Anonymous said…
Two verses/phrases have been on my mind since I was asked to write.
Gal 4: 19 “…until Christ is formed in you…”
Who knows how much of childbirth Paul had see in his culture, but he says he is “again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” He goes on to say, “how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, because I am perplexed about you!”
You can sense his frustration, these “children” of his, who had recently learnt the freedom of faith in Christ, were adding regulations to their walk as believers. In fact, in another part of the letter, he bluntly calls them, “You foolish Galatians!”
Paul’s desire is to see “Christ formed in you”. Jesus said that it was good that he went away because the Holy Spirit was going to come and dwell in believers (John16:7). What a privilege that God chooses to dwell in us. Rom 8:9 uses the terms the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ interchangeably. The Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Christ – dwells in us and it is through the work of the Holy Spirit that Christ is formed in us.
Sometimes we don’t live this way. Sometimes we forget our status as temples of the Spirit of Christ. Dwell on the privilege we have. May it cause our hearts to praise, and give God glory.
The other passage that has been on my mind is 1 John 3:1-2 “…when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” I am not sure if John wrote this letter before or after his revelatory experience on Patmos. Whichever it was, this passage has a beautiful forward perspective. He knows we are now children of God but has some uncertainty about exactly what we will be like in the future. He also has some certainty – “we shall be like him”. John had caught on to the fact that Jesus was fully human, the truest human that had ever lived. John had walked with Jesus through all those up and down times of Jesus ministry years. By the time he wrote this, he would have had some years caring for Mary, the mother of Jesus. I wonder what interesting conversations they had.
What a hope John had! He knew, like Paul, his reflection in the mirror didn’t look like Jesus, but one day he would. He knew that when he met Christ again, he would see Jesus as he truly is, and he, John, the beloved disciple, and all the other children of God (which includes you and me), would be like Jesus Christ. Let us live according to that hope.
There is an old hymn I love, we sang it at my grandfather’s funeral. It so infrequently sung nowdays, that I think if I put it on the hymn list for my funeral, there might not be many people who know it! You can enjoy it here.
Face to face with Christ my Saviour
Face to face what will it be,
When with rapture I behold him,
Jesus Christ who died for me.

Only faintly now I see him,
With the dark’ning veil between,
But a better day is coming,
When his glory shall be seen.

What rejoicing in his presence,
When are banished grief and pain,
When the crooked ways are straightened,
And the dark things shall be plain,

Face to face- O blissful moment,
Face to face – to see and know,
Face to face with my Redeemer,
Jesus Christ who loved me so.

Face to face will I behold Him
Far beyond the stary sky
Face to face in all his glory
I shall see Him by and by

pixi said…
What a beautiful reflection Louis.Thankyou for taking time out to mull on it .It is indeed deeply touching,especially the portion on John and our Lord Jesus.We skim through the bible often and never stop to wonder ,forgetting often that they were ordinary people like you and me while our Lord Jesus was on earth.I realise I need to be more intentional in trying to understand the situation around which the incidences occured in the bible to be enriched and blessed so that I can bless others better.
pixi said…
Nandu ,thank you for your precious reflection .Hope Ango and the little one are fine.Yes when you learn to fight for your faith ,it becomes stronger.I have been through those several wilderness experiences where I have had to literally wrestle for my faith.Pray that the lord will personally minister to you during this phase because our God is a living God and He is also our high priest interceding for us at the right hand of God.Praying for you guys.Even as Manipur burns due to human differences,,,,Sikkim is going through a havoc due to environmental disasters.It has become a norm to expect a huge incident evey monsoons.For this year we have had one major disaster already and some aftermaths continuing but the rains are there till September and that is one month to look out for.
Like one of our elders were preaching,from the dust we have come and to the dust we will go and in between it is God who has breathed His life into us and we should live in the power of that breath and not behave like we are made of silver and gold and will live forever physically on earth.

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