Not so long ago ,one morning I had this strange urge to paint a picture of a lady.I had no idea what picture I could draw so as I was looking through the choices I had I decided to draw a geometric drawing of an elegant lady whose picture my sister had sent me.I started work on and as it progressed I suddenly had this deep urge to keep one of the hands cut.I followed it and I did just that, Was wondering what it was all about and then towards evening Shanker came to me and told me the news about a missionary kid who had done a deliberate self harm.I knew then that this was what the Spirit had been trying to show me. I shared it with a few people .undertandably,most people just gave me a blamk stare .So many years after the incident .I am meeting my older sister .As we do our bible studies and intercession together she feels that for the season the Lord has poured the Spirit of intercession on me.When I narrated this incident to her she immediately worded the sentencee .'A picture ...