This is a post long overdue.I promised Evelyn I would write this a month ago but somehow the connect between the pen and the thought process did not come through easily so I conveniently pushed it back somewhere in a file in the grey matter.Today I was reminded, so here it is.
I am not too passionate about rabbits.I know them as creatures which have a reputation of eating up the area where they reside...apparently nothing grows around them so I am wary because if there is one thing that can bring a deep seated joy in my heart it is plants and the flowers especially in the wild.
I find rabbits dumb and not particularly special to look at.The only time it had me involved was on a cold Satbarwa winter in Wendy's stew.It was my first and perhaps the last .
So I was not too excited to see the creatures cohabit the paraphenalia in one of the old garages in the campus.I looked at it from a distance and enjoyed the roses more than it's neighbour.
One day I saw our little friend Daniel on his pram with his mother peering across the fence at the creatures in sublime interest.I walked up to them and Evelyn pointed out the baby rabbits .
Apparently the mother had pulled a sack from one corner of the room ,shed all it's hair on the cloth ,given birth to the baby,covered the baby with the shed hair and had pulled the corner of the sack cloth over the baby.The luxury of the Pashmina was to keep the babies warm ,to tide over the bitter Kachwa cold.
I was deeply ashamed of myself .
I often do it ,walk through life with a shallow view of most things,and sometimes God in His grace shows me that something extra which completely changes my perspective.Thank God for those graces.