Psalm 100-
“Worship the Lord with gladness ,come before Him with joyful
It had been a dry winter.The pond in front of our hospital
dried out .Everyday the ducks would dutifully come out from their shed,walk up
to the place where the pond should have been and would graze around.
The first shower of the monsoon came down heavily
overnight.When we walked to the hospital we saw that the pond had rapidly
filled up.We saw the band of ducks waddle it’s way down the hill to the pond
and get into the water like it was business as usual.Some of them continued to
peck at the dirt by the side.
There was a white swan amongst them who was distinct.As soon
as it touched base on water ,it spread it’s wings and went into a flurry of
dance like movement,it dove deep into the water came back up ,spread it’s
wings and just enjoyed the water
oblivious to everything even as we
watched, fascinated.
It painted in my mind’s eye the picture of King David
dancing before the arc of God, worshipping the Lord to fullness ,oblivious of
everything around.
There is an idiom which goes ‘like a duck takes to water’,do
we as children of the living God, take to worshipping our Great God likewise?
Isaiah 43 vs 21 says
‘The people who I formed for myself that they might declare my praise.’