It has been a difficult week correcting,tolerating,working,struggling with nagging administrative issues.I was looking forward to the sunday to bounce back.I had a restful day but for the mid--morning when I was caught up controlling the seizures of a one and a half year old child who had been reffered to Jabalpur from the government hospital seizuring.So much for the defensive medicine the health practitioners are at these days.It took sometime getting an intravenous line but by God's grace as we dilantinised her and with the benzodiazepams in,his seizure settled. This evening I had another youngster join us for the evening fellowship. We are studying the book of Mark these days and there are a few themes that keep recurring. 1)We need to really know Jesus of nazereth for who He is.The gospels is like an introduction God gives us the son of God..,Lord over nature,Lord over diseases,Lord over death,Lord over evil spirit and satan,a compassionate God,a generous God,a ...