Today as I walked to the church,I did, with a spiritual burden in my heart and I prayed to the Lord fervently to speak to me.He normally does in this particular church.We had a visiting pastor who continued in the meditation from the book of Ruth.
The pastor requested a special song.
God moves in mysterious ways-by William Cowper.
(John 13 vs 7.)
The things we discussed today were -
God is in control.
Providence is mysterious the decision is from the Lord.
Chapter 1-Sorrow
Chapter 2-Service
Chapter 3-Surrender
Chapter 4-Satisfaction
God guides Ruth-
verse 1-Hidden whisper.
verse 3-'As it turned out'-The turning point and the hinge that changes Ruth's life forever.
It was Ruth's free choice within the sovereignity of God.
Boaz shows kindness to Ruth.
verse 7-Glean
verse 10-foreigners
Difficult place to be and yet the best place to be.
God has compassion for the foreigners.
verse 20-Hessed.(greek for kindness,goodness,loyalty,generosity..)
Verse 20-Go'el.(Kinsman redeemer.)
Both Ruth and Boaz were living a 'Hessed' lifestyle.In the ordinrariness of their hessed lifestyle God was pleased with them and met them.It was ordinary but significant.
There are no small decisions with God.
We are not always aware of the big picture that God has in mind.
God will provide within the confines of His will for those who obey him and want to serve others.
It ended with a clipping of Martin Luther King ,Jnrs speech-'I am not fearing any man because mine eyes have seen the Glory of the Coming of the Lord.'