Today ,Annie and I decided to wake up at leisure and made ourselves walk with a small backpack each towards Taunton after breakfast.As confident as I may have been about walking it ,the incredible look on the faces of the people we talked to made us realise that we had to catch a bus somehow.We had an incredible experience as we sauntered along the highway.There was a sheep farm with some sheep grazing ,Annie wanted to take some pictures.As we positioned our camera and stood near the gate chatting ,all the sheep just sauntered to us and was leaning towards us with such trust.That to us was an unusual experience.It refused to budge from our side and there was not an iota of doubt in their trust for us total strangers.It deeply touched both of us and I was telling Annie how Christ calls us His sheep.
We had some coffee by a roadside cafeteria,where they had never heard of anyone using a bus to commute,so had no idea about the timings.
We eventually caught a bus to Taunton after raising a few eyebrows by sitting on the roadside waiting for the bus.In Taunton we visited the museum,caught some fish and chips ,bought a few knick and knacks and caught the bus back tired and spent.
Tomorrow we have decided to take things slow before we catch Bath the day after.I have some reading to catch up with,in the meantime.