December is here.I spent the first evening sharing a meal with our dear girls in the nursing hostel and ended it with John's kebab at Dr Raju's.
Today was the second of December and we heard a sermon on 'Hope in Christ 'from Dinesh.What touched me was the picture of ...'the nature groaning as in the pains of chilbirth right upto the present time.'....and he corelated it with the bible verse which was read today,Isaiah 55 vs 12 onward-'You shall go out with joy and be lead forth in peace,and the mountains and the hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the fields will clap their hands.Can you imagine the joy of watching the nature rejoice,mountains and the hills bursting into songs and the trees clapping with joy while we go out in Joy, being lead forth in peace.
Mind you ,the verse before that goes,'so My words that proceed from My mouth will not return to me empty,but it will accomplish what I please....'
It also says 'the wolf will live with the lamb..'Isaiah 11 vs 6
That 'Hope in Christ' is our lifeline and our wealth.
I say a prayer for all our near and dear ones all over the world going through different challenges sickness,war,persecution,strife and sometimes just life,may we live in the 'paradigm of Christ' everyday of our lives and hold onto that 'Hope of glory'(Christ in us).
Merry Christmas.