It has been almost a month since I started work from home.Working from home and at home is a totally different cup of tea,I watch my fragile mother hobble around and I get a tug in my chest somewhere at the thought of having to leave her and get back to what I have to get back to and suddenly I feel a sense of relief when the understanding sinks in that I don't have to get back to anything.So I try to spend time with her as safely as I can in between my hospital work.It is lovely watching her creativity at work as she enjoys her gardening ,creating dresses for my sister,kitchen towels designed for comfort.
Julie ,the labrador is a new addition to our family .She is an intelligent creature that craves human contact.If she knoiws she is going to be shut out from the room she will leave her meal half way and come running towards us.and stay put.Every meal has to be shared with her.I settled with my queen cake and a cup of tea on a chair after a much deserved run to the hospital to see a very sick patient ,she plonked herself in front of me and made a deep begging gesture ,so Julie and I ,we sat on the lawn and shared the cake in between us.Smart as she is, she is slowly making friends with all of us ,charming her way through her sheer humanness.As my brother puts it when he wants to harass us by using our vocabulary, 'even dogs are human beings.'Julie was a present from our cousin.
My charger stopped working so I have been away from my computers for a month .Have I missed it I don't know.My dear uncle and aunty had come over for a visit,It was lovely catching up with them over lunch.
It is almost a year now since my dad passed.We miss him all the time.I found it hard travelling home this time knowing he would not be around.How happy he would have been to know that I was staying around.Each time I left home I would see shadows on my parent's face .It was the hardest thing for me to do.It helped that my brother was around like a rock and he was very matter of fact about it all.
Life goes on,with it the knowing. that we revel in God's grace alone, everyday.There are the heights and there are walks on regardless.....with save one truth ,the Truth Himself.