The last week has been overwhelming .With Sushil headed for Vellore,the bulk of the medicine load has left me 50% functional.Thanks to Alem who has been a big help.Yesterday a sardarjee was wheeled into the casualty with a history of snakebite in his last breath ,gasping .We resuscitated him and put him on the ventilator.To start with his pupils were dilated and fixed,half the relatives had a mind to put a stop to it all then.One educated youth decided to persist and go on with whatever we were doing.48 hrs later he is sitting on his bed and eating chapatti and subji whilst his brother who had sort of given up was emotional.His son who must be in his twenties worked as a nurses assistant all the while in the ICU,helping the sisters with everything and anything,I suppose a helpful person by nature.It was almost comical to hear the sardarjee grumble as soon as we had extubated him about how the whole day while he was on the ventilator he had asked for some water to drink and nonone had bothered to give it to him.Paramjit shared the gospel with him.
This morning Raja gave a beautiful sermon on adoption and inheritance alligning it with Baby Adam's story.
Life goes on in HCH,between patients,students,duties,RCP,GMC and the uncertainities of the lord's plan and will in our lives.
All the more better,it is during these times when we are out of our depths that we pray harder and we continue to pray till on prayer alone we live.
Thank you Lord!where would we be without the privellage to be able to come to you on our knees!
This morning Raja gave a beautiful sermon on adoption and inheritance alligning it with Baby Adam's story.
Life goes on in HCH,between patients,students,duties,RCP,GMC and the uncertainities of the lord's plan and will in our lives.
All the more better,it is during these times when we are out of our depths that we pray harder and we continue to pray till on prayer alone we live.
Thank you Lord!where would we be without the privellage to be able to come to you on our knees!