I have just finished doing a caeserian section.The baby turned out to be a boy .You should have seen the smile writ all over the family's face.I felt strange.
It's not a rare site to see such a reaction.
One of my juniors was narrating an incident where he after delivering a girl baby wrapped her in a warm blanket and went eagerly forward to show the baby to the grandmother.The grandmother confirmed the sex of the baby and gave the doctor concerned such a dirty look that his expression was 'as though I was responsible for it'.Such things seem to be very deeply etched into the psyche of most people from northern part of India.
It's not a rare site to see such a reaction.
One of my juniors was narrating an incident where he after delivering a girl baby wrapped her in a warm blanket and went eagerly forward to show the baby to the grandmother.The grandmother confirmed the sex of the baby and gave the doctor concerned such a dirty look that his expression was 'as though I was responsible for it'.Such things seem to be very deeply etched into the psyche of most people from northern part of India.