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A Gift-in His time.

Dhan Singh lost four issues to an unexplained hypertension his wife suffered during pregnancy.Four issues in a row,his fervent prayer request every christmas would be for a child.Dhan Singh is a watchman in the hospital.One evening while I got talking to one of the staff nurses she told me about his bane.
We started praying seriously and somehow the lord put the burden in our hearts to pray.It became one of our prayer points in the chain prayer list.
One fine day Dhan Singh came to us with the good news that his wife had conceived but along with it was an uncontrollable blood pressure of more than 200/130 consistantly.
We put her on anti-hypertensives but she just could not tolerate the medication beyond a certain point.
Pray,we did.
Consulting other gynaecologists we got a picture of how bleak the chances of the baby making it, was.
The follow up USG showed a small for date baby.
I went home for the holidays and when I reached back Dhan Singh was waiting for me to come back.
It was just getting on to the ninth month.
We called up one of our gynaecologist friend who insisted we immediately control the blood pressure and terminate the pregnancy.
We admitted Dhan Singh's wife and started her on mag-sulf,Betamethasone and anti-hypertensives more aggressively.The plan was to prolong this for 48 hours, if possible.That evening three obstetric emergencies came in a row and Dhan Singh was on duty.As he carted three new-born babies with their mothers to their beds he suddenly wondered loudly to my junior if his wife could have her caeserian section as well.
When I approached Dhan Singh he very docilely said,'mam you do what you think would be best'.So I called the OT team and we decided to go ahead with the surgery.
Since it was pretty late at night I asked the team to go back to their rooms ,pray,have some dinner and come back.
I sent a facebook prayer request and I sat down to pray myself.
When I went back to the OT,I had a moment of doubt when I saw the size of the uterus.
I called DhanSingh in and asked him if he would like to take his wife to a centre where the baby can be cared for,he said naught.He wanted the section done here following which he was willing to take the baby for an incubator care if needed.
While praying before the surgery I felt the presence of the Lord strongly.
A 1.5KG baby was delivered.Small as he was, he cried gustily and looked active .
We could not thank the Lord enough.It was an emotional moment for all of us when we called Dhan Singh into the theatre just to thank the Lord for the mighty grace He had bestowed upon all of us.
The little kid stayed in a paediatric centre for two weeks at the end of which he has come home.He is with his parents in their village home,dong well.Dhan Singh brought us sweets the other day.
We continue to pray that Dhan Singh and his family will have the favour of the Lord in their lives and will profess Him who has bestowed such grace into their lives and accept him as their prsonal savior.
