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A pause in the New Year...

I have two days all to myself, the first in the new year.Increasingly I find these pauses in between my work  precious.
Yesterday I spent the better part of the day spring cleaning my house.Much to the chagrin of the lady who helps me there was heaps of clutter and dust from the nooks and corners .So involved was I in the process that I missed my breakfast  , lunch and had to make do with a packet of biscuit and the lovely English breakfast tea satchet.
I did my week’s laundry and got Lalji to put out some strings in my backyard to  sun my clothes.
I thought I would spend my time doing some reading but discovered that I had picked the wrong book so did some scripture reading instead.I am working on the letters at the moment.
In the evening I did some painting and then played the panflute and my guitar.
Rajkumar was kind enough to pick some flowers for me for my dining table,a flush of white,yellow and a lone red rose which has a lovely fragrance.
I noticed that even roses seem to close it’s petals and sleep at night .
I am not a flower picker,infact I hate it because it has a short vase life and somehow I prefer to see it in the garden but as I am ;growing older I am beginning to appreciate these small subtle joys.
My tucks are dwindling by dozen.I need to go shopping ,In the meantime I find my creativity in the kitchen doing ballistics and coming up with lovely food to nourish myself.
This morning I had oats with tomato ,green chilly ,salt and cheddar on top.It was a tasty fare.For dinner I had baked potatoes with butter , tomatoes and fried fish.Those were the last bits of my food items I desperately scraped and made a meal of.
I have also been watching some movies ,average fare but for one ,an anecdotal story of a French teenager in Saigon  ,a nostalgic write .I tried watching  ‘ Mirzapur’ out of curiosity because I live in it’s namesake and was curious to get behind the lens of Anurag Kashyap ,I foumd it a difficult watch .in many ways too raw for my taste.
I had a good family time at home.My younger cousin was home from New Zealand with her two teenagers and so was my neice.It was lovely to watch them jam together.The kids had brought along some Sushi kit so we had a lovely treat .They were taking time having sleepovers which was nice. We are also enjoying our uncle’s other grandchildren as they slowly but surely grow up and surprise us every now and then as children normally do with their intelligence and sensitivity.
As a teenager I enjoyed French writing and now I revel in Claude Monet’s painting ,considering the clamour around me everywhere nowadays I find it contrasting ,the genteelness of it all.
I see the same essence in the fiery eyes of Pallavi ,the seven years old Musahir kid ,who walks up to me in confidence and demands medicine for her grandfather’s glaucoma and asks that pointed question, ‘Are you going to give or not?’
One day she suddenly walked into my outpatient and sat on an empty chair.When I asked her how I could help her she asked me demandingly,’Can’t I just come to meet you?’ Is she seven years or what? Even I with all my privellaged upbringing  and even now, with age do not have that amount of boldness.
My prayer is that this boldness will be chanellised in the right direction.
Being away from the routine for short spells is such a joy.I feel forever grateful to my colleagues who extend themselves to do without me during these times.
This year I had felt the need to make a resolution list and so far I am toying with just this one.To wear a sari to work as often as I can.Considering I have worn it exactly one time for an occasion with a solid encouragement from Grace my friend some fifteen years ago that is a resolution enough for a year.
Strange resolution it is, but I find that at this point it is a necessary wall I need to break through to greater freedom. Good luck to me.


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